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Stained-glass window cake

  • Prep Time
    15 mins.
  • Cook Time
    1 1/2-2 hours


  • Recipe from Deirdre


Use a small loaf tin or several small square or rectangular tins. Late in the year, fruit cake 'kits'. are sold in health food shops. These include kits for this cake, aka American Christmas cake or stained glass window cake. Small decorative waxed card 'ake tins' can also be found in specialist kitchen stores.


Grease tins well and line with 2 layers of baking paper.


Beat eggs and sugar.


Put aside some of the cherries and nuts to arrange decoratively on the top of the cake.


Add all remaining ingredients and mix well.


Place in thin/s, spreading the fruit and nuts evenly through the mix.


Bake in a slow oven, 150 degrees Celsius, for 1 1/2-2 hours.


Pour a little rum or brandy over the top while cake is still hot, or glaze while warm with jam heated and mixed with brandy or liquer. To serve, slice thinly to achieve a stained glass window appearance.

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