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Mixed Vegetable Curry

  • Prep Time
    40 mins
  • Cook Time
    30 mins
  • Portions




    Cut potato, beans, carrot, and cauliflower into small dice pieces and boil to soften


    Dice capsicum, tomato and mushroo


    Heat oil and fry the onion. Add boiled vegetables then capsicum and  mushroom


    Add turmeric and stir well for 2 minutes, add salt, cumin, curry, ginger, garlic, and chilli and stir wel


    Stir and then add tomatoes, fresh coriander leaves and some hot water to make gravy.

    Recipe Reviews

    • Fiona

      I varied this recipe using an electric pressure cooker and increased the amount of ingredients.

      I sauteed one onion and two cloves of garlic in mustard oil for a few minutes until the onion was soft.

      Then I added the ginger and spices.

      Then I added 1 tomato, 2 large mushrooms, 1 tomato, 1/4 cauliflower, 1/4 of capsicum, 1 carrot and 1 1/2 cups of veggie stock, then stirred.

      I then set the pressure cooker to medium pressure for 5 minutes and closed the lid.

      Once cooked, I opened the pressure cooker and added the coriander and added a bit of cornflour to thicken a bit.

      Was very yummy.

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